Seri Promosi Blog: Google Sitemap
Seperti yg pernah diterangkan sebelumnya di sini dan di sini, untuk membuat blog dan tulisan kita banyak dibaca dan dikunjungi orang adalah karena dua kemungkinan (a) karena inter-link antar blog, dan (b) karena orang datang melalui mesin pencari (search engine) terutama Google. Bagaimana supaya semua entry di blog kita ditangkap google? Gunakan Google Sitemaps.
1. Login dg ID email GMAIL di
2. Di bagian paling atas ada kotak ADD SITE --> masukkan blog Anda --> Contoh:
3. Klik OK.
4. Setelah itu ada di kolom SITEMAP ada perintah ADD SITEMAP. Klik.
6. Kasih tanda tik /check di menu (a) I've created, dst; (b) I've uploaded, dst. (c) My Sitemap..dst.
7. Di menu MY SITEMAP URL is. Isi dg feed blog Anda. Contoh:
8. Klik menu ADD WEB SITEMAP
9. Akan ada keterangan di menu bahwa sitemap kita berstatus pending.
10. Klik menu DIAGNOSTIC di bagian atas.
11. Klik menu VERIFY. Ada keterangan bahwa Verification Status: NOT VERIFIED.
12. Ada menu "Choose verification method" --> pilih ADD A META tag.
13. Kita dikasih kode < meta name=" ...dst ">
14. Masukkan kode meta tsb di HEAD template blog kita di antara HEAD dan /HEAD, sebaiknya di bawah {title} {BlogPageTitle} {/title}
15. Setelah template blog di SAVE dan REPUBLISH, kembali ke sitemap dan kasih tanda tik/check di menu "I've added the META tag in the homepage".
16. Klik VERIFY.
17. Selesai.
Catatan Penting:
1. Cara/tip ini hanya buat blog yg gratis seperti blogger / blogspot, blogdrive, dsb.
2. Bagi yg punya blog dg top domain dan hosting sendiri bisa bisa dg cara yg lebih efektif tapi agak rumit bagi yg kurang pengalaman html/xml. Keterangannya bisa dilihat dilink berikut:
3. Bagi yg belum punya ID gmail, bisa minta diinvite pada yg sudah punya google email. (source :Mario Gagho
Mendaftar Google Sitemap (8)
What are meta tags? Meta tags are HTML codes that are inserted into the header on a web page, after the title tag. They take a variety of forms and serve a variety of purposes, but in the context of search engine optimization when people refer to meta tags, they are usually referring to the meta description tag and the meta keywords tag. Read More...Memfilter Iklan Google Adsense Yang Muncul di Web
To create and manage a filter list of websites whose ads you'd like to restrict from showing on your site or AdSense for search results pages, simply log in to your account at and click the Competitive Ad Filter link below the AdSense Setup tab. You can create separate filter lists for your content pages and for your AdSense for search results pages. Ads for the websites that you add to your competitive ad filter list typically will not run on your pages, but remember that filtering sites may decrease the number of ads that can appear on your pages as well as decrease your potential earnings. Read More...